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Teensy and Arduino library to use Fujitsu FRAM SPI memory chip MB85RSxx

Arduino library for SPI FRAM - Fujitsu MB85RS

SPI Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (FRAM). Read/write endurance for each memory slot : 10^13 cycles and more. Supports 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1M and 2M chips. These memories chips can work up to 25MHz in SPI Mode 0 or Mode 3.


Revision History

v0.7 - Working version Please note when you activate DEBUG_TRACE & CHIP_TRACE in .h the performances are slower than it should be. Serial trace takes times! Avoid the use of DEBUG_TRACE & CHIP_TRACE for a normal usage.

Download it here !


Fujitsu FRAM - manufacturer code 0x04 - Fujitsu page

Model Density (kB) Device ID feature Density code Memory addressing Tested
MB85RS64V 64 Yes 0x03 16 bits No
MB85RS128B 128 Yes 0x04 16 bits No
MB85RS256B 256 Yes 0x05 16 bits No
MB85RS512T 512 Yes 0x06 16 bits No
MB85RS1MT 1024 Yes 0x07 24 bits Yes
MB85RS2MT 2048 Yes 0x08 24 bits No

To do

Close to the complete release…


I only own 1Mbit chips, so if anybody can test all the other chips… This library has been developped to work on ARM Teensy 3.2, 3.5 and above. It should be works on Arduino too, but I won’t test it.
